The guy's got a big, fat, curved bolt. And how did he manage to shove it almost completely into the lady's mouth? I can tell you, the lady is piquant, she is flat in the upper part of the body, and very lush and rounded below the waist. Very attractive build and pleasing to a man's eye. I think that such an attractive woman could have been shot in more interesting poses, and so we almost didn't see anything interesting!
That video made me feel a little ambivalent. :-) I kind of got excited seeing a beautiful naked Japanese woman in front of me, but on the other hand I got a good laugh watching hungry Japanese men watching me having sex - they are all so chubby and round, like koloboks. :-) Where's the famous Japanese slimness? Probably eating in peace, being led away for the last time by American fast food.
Kristall Rush.